Contact us



  • From May 1st to September 30th

    Every day from 11 AM to 6 PM
    closed on 2 and 3 August

  • In April and October

    Weekends from 11AM to 5PM

  • Easter and Autumn holidays

    Every day from 11 AM to 5 PM

  • During the year

    Guided tour by appointment only

Last ticket sale 30 minutes before closing.

Rates 2023

  • Adults


  • Children between 4 and 12 yo

    3,50 €

  • Seniors

    4,50 €

  • Students

    4,50 €

  • Audio guide

    2 €

Free entrance for people living in Theux.

  • Groups of adults (10+ people)

    5 €

  • Groups of children (10+ children)

    3 €

  • Special activities

    On demand

  • Tour by reservation

    70 € + entrance ticket

  • Activity prices

    95 € + 3 € per child

  • Birthday

    3 € per child and activity+ hall rent package 95 €

Contact information

Château de Franchimont
Allée du Château, 17
4910 THEUX

Contact address

Chemin de Pierreuchamps, 19

4910 THEUX

087 / 53 04 89

087 / 53 04 89

Patrick Hoffsummer
087 / 53 04 89

Contact Pub
JF Engel

Parking lot - Train - Bus

Our castle provides a large parking lot accessible to buses.

Our castle is partially accessible to people with reduced mobility. Dedicated parking spots are located near the entrance.


The castle is also accessible by train: Aachen-Verviers-Spa, train-stop Franchimont, and then a 500 meter uphill walk.  By bus: line 388, bus-stop Saint-Roch, and then a 500 meter uphill walk.

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