Franchimont Castle official website

Located at the heart of the Belgian Ardennes and exceptional patrimony of Wallonia, this important archeological site is worth visiting. Families or history enthusiasts: everyone will find what they’re looking for.

Franchimont Castle, Theux, used to be one of the twelve residences and strongholds of the Liège bishop which defended the east of the principality from the 11th– 12th century onwards.

Despite the destructions that occurred during the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century, the ruins that remain are still impotent. Visiting them allow visitors to understand the evolution of military architecture and how it matched the armament, particularly the influence of black powder artillery. Several elements of the castle’s structure remain and/or have been restored: dungeon, pillboxes, squirrel-cage crane, bread oven, guard room, etc.

The site is the property of the municipality of Theux. Tourism management and volunteer restoration are the responsibility of the association “Franchimont Companions” (Les Compagnons de Franchimont, in French).


Many searches and archeological studies have been led on the castle’s site. The conservation of the site combines searches and archeological studies with coherent and durable restoration projects in order to preserve this exceptional patrimony the best possible way.


Fantastic tales experienced


Sword fights



In practice

The castle can be visited alone as well as in family or groups. It suits perfectly the children.



Audio guidance is available in French, Dutch, English and German.


Audio guided visits last between 90 and 120 minutes.

Guided tour and animations (between 2h30 and 3h long) available year round by appointment.

Free for children under 4.


Audio guide 2 €


Schedule and rates accessible via the access rubric.


© Claude Courtoy

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